2 things are at-war inside our souls—Compassion & Apathy. Please pray for Ben and Roberta Keenan as they battle cancer.


Ben was one of our original expansion leaders bringing the Breakfast Together Outreach to Costa Mesa over 5 years ago. He quickly used his wisdom and love to grow the small group participation into a self-sustaining outreach ministering to dozens of homeless every week. This was accomplished in half the time it took Me (Max McGhee) to fill the calendar in San Clemente. But the bigger picture was the relationships he established among the those without homes. Ben and his wife Roberta cared deeply for their neighbors with both faith and deed. This inspirational leadership carried over to the small groups and many books could be written about the life-change that has occurred in the lives of Costa Mesa's homeless. Watch this short YouTube clip to get an idea of what it was all about: http://www.youtube.com/breakfastoutreach#p/f/3/mOj2F73yU7w

Now Ben and Roberta are the ones suffering under the weight of difficult circumstances due to a long battle with cancer. Ben's health has dropped significantly and needs all of us to come to his side with prayer. Supporting him and his family while they hold on and celebrate everyday they get to spend with Ben. A caretakers life is not easy and I believe Roberta can truly use all the help we could give her, whether it be financial, prayer, visits, or signing the guestbook with encouraging entries via caring bridge. (here's the link http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/benkeenan )

Please choose compassion and give what you can and be blessed!

"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35 NIV

Posted via email from Breakfast Together Outreach